At present, dialogue on nuclear technology in Washington, DC has tended to focus on issues related to nuclear materials security, nonproliferation, and arms control issues, rather than nuclear power. As a result, the policy community in Washington tends view nuclear power technologies with some skepticism. Given this environment, it is GABI’s commitment to promote, educate, and enhance the understanding of the vital role of nuclear power from the perspective of ensuring energy security, reliability and sustainability.

17 05, 2023

Closing the Fuel Cycle: Revisiting Nuclear Fuel Recycling

By |2023-05-19T10:36:43-04:00May 17th, 2023|Categories: Events, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

Reprocessing of nuclear fuel for recycled use into reactors has traditionally not been conducted in the United States due to the poor economics of utilizing recycled fuel versus obtaining fresh fuel. However, with Advanced Fast Reactors coming towards the horizon of commercial deployment, the economics around fuel are changing to suggest that reprocessing spent fuel

26 04, 2023

Fueling the Next Generation Reactors: Availability of HALEU

By |2023-04-28T10:40:47-04:00April 26th, 2023|Categories: Events, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

Sanctions on Russia have created a large shortage of HALEU production capabilities for Western nations. The United States nuclear industry will need HALEU to support the federal activities to commercialize advanced reactors, but the industry is not currently in the position to fund the actions to establish the necessary fuel supply chain. The United States

28 03, 2023

Global Market Landscape and Opportunities for Nuclear Technologies

By |2023-04-28T10:36:24-04:00March 28th, 2023|Categories: Events, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

Nuclear technologies have become a significant focus of attention as a solution to global energy concerns. The US has made significant policy changes to support the development of nuclear reactors as a strategy to improve energy security, energy equity, and energy sustainability. A study in the US showed that to achieve the deep emissions reductions

14 12, 2022

Global Cooperation in HEU Minimization

By |2023-01-02T20:28:18-05:00December 14th, 2022|Categories: Events, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

Highly enriched uranium (HEU), a core component of nuclear weapons, has been used for decades to power research reactors, produce medical isotopes and fuel naval submarines. Today, with a few exceptions, technical developments have made it possible to replace HEU with LEU in nearly all current uses and have rendered future new civil uses of

4 10, 2022

Post Russian Nuclear Fuel Supply

By |2023-01-03T12:24:47-05:00October 4th, 2022|Categories: Events, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

The unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Russia has created significant impacts in the global nuclear fuel market because Russia was a major fuel supplier. Now, nations are looking to remove their dependence from Russian nuclear fuel and lock the Russians out of the global fuel market with policy action. However, given the lack of conversion

9 09, 2022

Future for Nuclear Power in Ukraine and Eastern Europe: Opportunities for International Collaboration

By |2022-09-09T13:27:07-04:00September 9th, 2022|Categories: Events, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

The Russia-Ukraine war has created an energy crisis in Europe, particularly due to the overdependence from Europe on Russian energy supplies. As a result, energy considerations in the world now have shifted from power production towards considerations of clean energy and energy security. Nuclear can play a significant role in mitigating the energy crisis. Engagements

8 09, 2022

Meeting 7: Multilateral Nuclear Energy Dialogue – Opportunities for a New Nuclear Renaissance

By |2022-09-08T09:17:33-04:00September 8th, 2022|Categories: Events, Multilateral Nuclear Energy Dialogue, Nuclear Energy|0 Comments

August 22-25, 2022, GABI organized high-level private workshop among a multinational group of experts (US-Korea-Japan-Canada) to discuss the rapidly changing landscape of the global nuclear industry and opportunities for Allied nations to enter into a new nuclear renaissance. Many nations have re-evaluated the priority of energy security and are increasingly looking for democratic allies that

4 08, 2022

Korea-US Energy Security Dialogue

By |2023-01-03T19:30:58-05:00August 4th, 2022|Categories: Events, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

21st century challenges will require international cooperation and security alliances as climate change is a global problem that extends beyond borders. Achieving net-zero emissions will require more than double the generation of electricity, and the scale of this challenge will require significant contributions from new nuclear power.  SMR deployment will be a crucial aspect to

13 06, 2022

President Biden’s Visit to Asia: Strengthening Nuclear Energy Partnerships and Cooperation in International Nuclear Commerce

By |2022-06-13T13:19:43-04:00June 13th, 2022|Categories: Events, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

President Biden’s visit to Asia represented a significant government level interest in cooperating with allied nations in Asia on the topics of clean energy partnership and cooperation. While the cost of nuclear technologies is relatively high, the cost of national security and energy security imperatives through nuclear energy are even higher. Given the current market

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