At present, dialogue on nuclear technology in Washington, DC has tended to focus on issues related to nuclear materials security, nonproliferation, and arms control issues, rather than nuclear power. As a result, the policy community in Washington tends view nuclear power technologies with some skepticism. Given this environment, it is GABI’s commitment to promote, educate, and enhance the understanding of the vital role of nuclear power from the perspective of ensuring energy security, reliability and sustainability.
Part 2: Dialogue on DPRK Denuclearization Roadmaps and Verification
In November 2018, Kyung Hee University located in Seoul, the Global America Business Institute (GABI) based in Washington, D.C., and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) headquartered in New York convened a private meeting to discuss findings from technical and policy experts related to a possible DPRK denuclearization roadmap. One year later, the three entities will host