At present, dialogue on nuclear technology in Washington, DC has tended to focus on issues related to nuclear materials security, nonproliferation, and arms control issues, rather than nuclear power. As a result, the policy community in Washington tends view nuclear power technologies with some skepticism. Given this environment, it is GABI’s commitment to promote, educate, and enhance the understanding of the vital role of nuclear power from the perspective of ensuring energy security, reliability and sustainability.

17 12, 2014

Breaking the Stalemate in U.S.-ROK Nuclear Cooperation Negotiations

By |2018-01-29T17:36:22-05:00December 17th, 2014|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

December 17, 2014 According to most reports, the US-ROK 123 negotiations were expected to conclude by the end of 2014. However, more recent developments suggest that the negotiations will bleed over into 2015. Although it is accepted that the main points of the agreement have already been finalized, perceptions of the agreement by the South

14 11, 2014

South Korea’s Nonproliferation Culture and its Implications for the US-ROK 123 Agreement

By |2018-01-30T10:24:57-05:00November 14th, 2014|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

November 14, 2014 Although 2013 public opinion polls in the ROK regarding nuclear weapons development came as a surprise to many, further examination of survey studies over the past two decades reveal declining public support for a tit-for-tat strategy in response to North Korea’s nuclear activities. Moreover, among opinion leaders, experts, and academics in Korea

28 10, 2014

GABI-EPIC Seminar: Development of Future Nuclear Energy Systems in Korea

By |2022-01-04T14:01:07-05:00October 28th, 2014|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Roadshow|0 Comments

GABI-EPIC Seminar: Development of Future Nuclear Energy Systems in Korea October 28, 2014 With help from the Energy Policy Institute of Chicago (EPIC), GABI organized a seminar for students and faculty at the University of Chicago on the development of advanced nuclear energy technologies in Korea. The seminar was moderated by Professor Robert Rosner, Founding

27 10, 2014

GABI-WorldChicago-KEIA Public Forum: Energizing the US-Korea Partnership – Enhancing Nuclear Energy Cooperation Between the US and ROK

By |2022-01-04T14:01:59-05:00October 27th, 2014|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Roadshow|0 Comments

GABI-WorldChicago-KEIA Public Forum: Energizing the US-Korea Partnership – Enhancing Nuclear Energy Cooperation Between the US and ROK October 27, 2014 In close collaboration with WorldChicago and Korea Economic Institute of America, GABI organized a public forum entitled, "Energizing the US-Korea Partnership: Enhancing Nuclear Energy Cooperation Between the US and ROK." The forum took place at

30 09, 2014

Enhancing Global Energy Security: The Role of Nuclear Power

By |2018-01-30T10:27:26-05:00September 30th, 2014|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

September 30, 2014 Political instability in the Middle East and geopolitical disputes between the US and Russia pose grave threats to energy security worldwide. While the shale gas revolution has dramatically improved energy independence in the US, many countries throughout the world remain critically dependent upon fossil fuel imports from key regions. With global energy

15 08, 2014

Korea’s Global Uranium Ambitions: Involvement and Investments in Overseas Projects

By |2018-01-30T10:28:11-05:00August 15th, 2014|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

August 15, 2014 With increasing domestic requirements and aspirations to become a global supplier of nuclear power technology, the Korean nuclear industry has been very active as of late in engaging with overseas uranium mining and enrichment projects. For instance, in 2010, KEPCO purchased a 10% stake in an AREVA uranium mine in Niger for

28 07, 2014

FNS-GABI Luncheon Briefing: Progress and Developments in International Nuclear Safety and Regulation

By |2022-01-04T13:42:30-05:00July 28th, 2014|Categories: Congressional Briefing, Nuclear Energy|0 Comments

FNS-GABI Luncheon Briefing: Progress and Developments in International Nuclear Safety and Regulation July 28, 2014 On July 28th, GABI partnered with the Foundation for Nuclear Studies (FNS) in organizing a Capitol Hill briefing on recent progress and developments in nuclear power safety and regulation.  The briefing featured two very high level figures: Dr. Soon-Heung Chang,

10 07, 2014

Key Issues in Korea’s Nuclear Power Industry Today

By |2018-01-30T10:32:58-05:00July 10th, 2014|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

July 10, 2014 Prior to 2001, KEPCO was a vertically integrated state-owned enterprise involved in all stages of Korea’s electricity industry. Central planning essentially determined the fuel type, size, and location of all generation, in addition to long term plans for supply and demand. In 2001, the electricity sector was restructured, injecting competition into the

27 06, 2014

GABI-KAIST Uranium Enrichment Workshop

By |2017-12-25T02:41:37-05:00June 27th, 2014|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

GABI and KAIST co-hosted an expert-level workshop on uranium enrichment on June 27th, focusing on opportunities for multilateral enrichment ventures and national perspectives on the front-end fuel cycle. The workshop featured presentations from three distinguished speakers: Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Associate Research Scholar at Princeton University and former Iranian Ambassador to Germany; Yun Zhou, Senior Consultant

12 06, 2014

The Potential Impact of the Shale Gas Revolution on Nuclear Development in Asia

By |2018-01-30T10:35:45-05:00June 12th, 2014|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

The Potential Impact of the Shale Gas Revolution on Nuclear Development in Asia June 12, 2014 Shale gas has had a profound impact on the US energy landscape. The emergence of hydraulic fracturing technologies, the availability of large water resources, and the existence of an expansive natural gas pipeline infrastructure have unlocked vast domestic resources

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