At present, dialogue on nuclear technology in Washington, DC has tended to focus on issues related to nuclear materials security, nonproliferation, and arms control issues, rather than nuclear power. As a result, the policy community in Washington tends view nuclear power technologies with some skepticism. Given this environment, it is GABI’s commitment to promote, educate, and enhance the understanding of the vital role of nuclear power from the perspective of ensuring energy security, reliability and sustainability.

25 10, 2017

Canada’s Approach to Long-Term Management of Used Nuclear Fuel

By |2018-01-30T11:48:00-05:00October 25th, 2017|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

October 25, 2017 To address the concerns of the growing issue of used nuclear fuel in Canada, the Canadian federal government established the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) under the Nuclear Fuel Waste Act of 2002. NWMO is investigating the option of a deep geological repository for the long-term storage of Canada's used nuclear fuel.

23 10, 2017

Opportunities for U.S.-Korea Cooperation in Advanced Nuclear: Industrial, R&D, and Other Collaboration

By |2022-01-04T13:37:10-05:00October 23rd, 2017|Categories: Congressional Briefing, Nuclear Energy|0 Comments

The U.S. and the Republic of Korea have had a long history of nuclear energy cooperation, dating back to when the U.S. built Korea's first commercial reactors in 1978. This relationship has evolved over the decades, and Korea has more recently emerged as one of the world's major suppliers of nuclear power technologies. With growing interest

16 10, 2017

Congressional Perspective on Clean Energy Innovation Policy: Nuclear, Renewables, and Other Clean Energy R&D

By |2022-01-04T13:37:55-05:00October 16th, 2017|Categories: Clean Energy Forum and Seminars, Congressional Briefing, New and Renewable Energy, Nuclear Energy|0 Comments

October 16, 2017 The rationale for an extensive federal role in energy innovation, particularly with respect to clean energy sources such as nuclear and renewables, largely stems from the premise that there are insufficient market incentives for long-term clean energy R&D investments by industry and the private sector overall. Clean energy innovation policy is further

26 09, 2017

The Future of Nuclear Power: Technology Security, and Geopolitics.

By |2018-01-30T16:13:08-05:00September 26th, 2017|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

Achieving progress towards decarbonizing and reducing the environmental impact of energy generation is arguably impossible without a significant expansion of nuclear p...ower internationally. However, improving and strengthening the global nuclear governance system and maintaining high international standards in nuclear safety, security, and nonproliferation are essential for nuclear power to become a more integral part of

27 07, 2017

Introducing Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Nuclear Safety

By |2018-01-30T11:58:12-05:00July 27th, 2017|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

Conventional prescriptive regulatory approaches to nuclear safety, while effective in managing the current light-water reactor fleet, fail to adequately regard and consider the innovative capabilities of next-generation advanced reactor designs. Adoption of a risk-informed, performance-based framework to nuclear regulatory activities, as opposed to adherence to traditional regulatory paradigms, may be a critical step towards unleashing

12 07, 2017

State of the World Nuclear Power Industry: Present Developments and Significance of Increased U.S.-Korea Cooperation

By |2018-01-30T12:03:02-05:00July 12th, 2017|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

Although nuclear power plant construction continues at an active pace worldwide, Westinghouse's declaration of bankruptcy is perhaps the latest indicator of the health of the U.S. nuclear industry and its considerable challenges. While China and Russia maintain vigorous new build programs both domestically and internationally, current reactor construction projects in the U.S. have suddenly been

23 06, 2017

The Domestic and International Imperatives of Nuclear Energy Innovation

By |2018-01-30T12:04:12-05:00June 23rd, 2017|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

June 23, 2017 Nuclear power plays an indispensable role in limiting, or perhaps even reducing, the costs of transitioning towards a clean, low-emissions energy system. Without nuclear, achieving zero or reduced emissions in the energy sector becomes more costly. Moreover, the cost efficiency potential of advanced nuclear designs may actually reduce the costs of power

16 05, 2017

The Basics of Molten Salt Reactors: Fundamentals, Types, and Developmental Milestones

By |2018-01-30T12:06:04-05:00May 16th, 2017|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

The molten salt reactor (MSR) is a Generation IV reactor design that has received renewed interest in recent years from a number of advanced nuclear firms and developers in North America. MSR technology was extensively researched in the 1960s by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), with the research work culminating in the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment

28 04, 2017

President Trump’s Budget Request: What It Might Mean for Nuclear

By |2018-01-30T15:16:39-05:00April 28th, 2017|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

April 28, 2017 President Trump's budget proposal touches upon two important issues for U.S. nuclear power: advanced nuclear energy R&D and a final solution to the country's commercial spent nuclear fuel. Although the proposed budget earmarked $120 million for the resumption of licensing activities for Yucca Mountain, it also contained reduced spending for energy R&D

4 04, 2017

Non-Electric Applications of Nuclear Power

By |2018-01-30T12:13:27-05:00April 4th, 2017|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

Nuclear reactors are capable of providing alternate or auxiliary functions outside of power generation. Two notable non-electricity applications are process heat and desalination. These non-electricity applications of nuclear power reactors can be utilized to improve the economics of nuclear reactors while providing solutions for high-temperature industrial processes as well as the global water shortage through

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