FNS-GABI Luncheon Briefing: 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit: Achievements and Future Challenges
FNS-GABI Luncheon Briefing: 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit: Achievements and Future Challenges April 27, 2012 The Global America Business Institute partnered with the Foundation for Nuclear Studies to organize a luncheon briefing on the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul. This briefing was intended to be a review of the March summit, and featured a
GABI signs MOU with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
GABI signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) to establish a program on clean energy policy. For more information on KAIST, please visit www.kaist.edu
GABI attends Nuclear Industry Summit in Seoul and the Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC) in Busan
GABI President Florence Lowe-Lee was invited to attend the Nuclear Industry Summit (NIS) in Seoul in connection with the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit. The NIS was hosted by Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. (KHNP) on March 23-24. President Lowe-Lee also attended the 18th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC), which took place in Busan from
Solutions to Spent Nuclear Fuel Management
Solutions to Spent Nuclear Fuel Management April 13, 2012 While the US government has been obligated to collect and permanently dispose of commercial nuclear waste from American reactor sites under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, it has yet to take possession of even an atom of this waste. Although the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s
Key Challenges and Issues of the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit
Key Challenges and Issues of the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit March 08, 2012 In concert with President Lee Myung-Bak’s aspirations to increase South Korea’s profile on the global stage, the Republic of Korea is hosting the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in Seoul on March 26-27. The NSS series was proposed by US President