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So far admin has created 396 blog entries.
3 12, 2015

Creating the Smart City: The Policy Technology Nexus

By |2018-01-30T20:17:18-05:00December 3rd, 2015|Categories: Clean Energy Forum and Seminars, New and Renewable Energy|0 Comments

Creating the Smart City: The Policy Technology Nexus December 03, 2015 Although recent progress in international climate change talks has highlighted the essential role of state-level cooperation in addressing the climate issue, significant progress has also occurred at the sub-state level, most notably cities. There are a number of reasons why initiatives and programs at

12 11, 2015

Moving Forward on Nuclear Waste: Novel Approaches, Solutions, and Considerations

By |2018-01-30T20:19:54-05:00November 12th, 2015|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

Moving Forward on Nuclear Waste: Novel Approaches, Solutions, and Considerations November 12, 2015 Both the U.S. and Korea have faced significant issues in achieving progress on spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste management. Although Korea recently opened a low-and-intermediate level waste facility at Gyeongju, it did so at a significant cost, and urgency remains in

1 11, 2015

GABI facilitates LOI (Letter of Intent) Signing Between KIER and State of Montana

By |2017-12-18T11:22:30-05:00November 1st, 2015|Categories: News|0 Comments

GABI President Florence Lowe-Lee facilitated and participated in a Letter of Intent (LOI) signing between the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) and the State of Montana on exploring potential collaborative opportunities in energy. The signing ceremony was conducted in the presence of high KIER officials and Montana Governor Steve Bullock.  

29 10, 2015

Previewing the Paris Climate Conference: The Role of Renewable Energy Technologies and Low Carbon Opportunities

By |2018-01-30T20:22:44-05:00October 29th, 2015|Categories: Clean Energy Forum and Seminars, New and Renewable Energy|0 Comments

In the lead-up to the Paris 2015 Climate Change Conference, there is considerable optimism that a durable and strong international climate agreement will materialize. Although the framework of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) faces some opposition, there is general acceptance of the INDC system, and the fact that the U.S. has come close to meeting

15 10, 2015

The Future of the U.S.-Korea Civil Nuclear Partnership

By |2022-01-04T13:40:19-05:00October 15th, 2015|Categories: Congressional Briefing, Nuclear Energy|0 Comments

The Future of the U.S.-Korea Civil Nuclear Partnership October 15, 2015 Given the imperative of simultaneously addressing growing global energy needs and climate change, nuclear power will be a necessity rather than an option. In order to meet climate goals, new nuclear build must occur at a pace far greater than what is currently taking

1 10, 2015

State of Nuclear Science and Engineering Education in the U.S.: Need for Greater International Exchanges

By |2018-01-30T20:28:14-05:00October 1st, 2015|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

October 01, 2015 Nuclear science and engineering education is essential because of the unique fundamentals and design of reactor cores and radiation systems. Engineers and physicists from other disciplines cannot replace nuclear engineers, particularly on work involving reactor thermal hydraulics, nuclear materials, radiation effects on matter, etc. Nevertheless, approaching the late 1990s, enrollment in nuclear

21 09, 2015

Considerations in the Development of New Build Civil Nuclear Power Programs

By |2018-01-30T20:31:01-05:00September 21st, 2015|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

September 21, 2015 Initiating a new build nuclear power program requires entrant states to consider a broad array of considerations, including financing arrangements, organizational and contractual structures, and stakeholder relationships. Entrant states must also pay attention to regulatory and legal frameworks, international agreements, insurance and nuclear liability, export controls, workforce development, and more. Among these,

9 09, 2015

Energy Storage: Current Issues & Developments

By |2018-01-29T17:06:48-05:00September 9th, 2015|Categories: Clean Energy Forum and Seminars, New and Renewable Energy|0 Comments

Energy Storage: Current Issues & Developments September 09, 2015 Energy storage promises to shake the very foundations of how energy is transmitted and distributed in the United States and globally. As more countries and companies invest in different technologies, energy storage will play a prominent role due to its size, zoning requirements, and its ability

27 08, 2015

Status and Challenges in the Development and Deployment of Small Modular Reactors

By |2018-01-30T20:34:00-05:00August 27th, 2015|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

August 27, 2015 Proponents of small modular reactors (SMRs) claim that they can improve the economics of nuclear power by reducing upfront capital costs, decrease times for reactor construction, and expand possibilities for siting and locating nuclear plants. SMRs can theoretically be mass produced in factory settings, and have much smaller footprints than conventional light

31 07, 2015

Policies Related to Decommissioning of Facilities: Recent Developments and Practical Application

By |2018-01-30T20:36:12-05:00July 31st, 2015|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

July 31, 2015 Decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) should be conducted in a manner consistent with placing utmost priority on the safety of workers, the public, and the environment. Perhaps the major cost driver for D&D activities is the volume of material that needs to be disposed of as radioactive waste; thus, reduction of this volume

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