GABI-Korea University College of Engineering discusses collaborative opportunities
GABI president met with dean of Korea University College of Engineering, dean of Korea University Green School, and other professors to discuss student internship programs and short-term professional leadership programs between two organizations.
Yucca Mountain and Nuclear Waste Management: New Opportunities and Challenges
Although there is no such thing as a perfect repository site for spent nuclear fuel, Yucca Mountain possesses many positive attributes that one can arguably characterize it as the most optimal disposal option for U.S. nuclear waste. The Nuclear Waste Policy Act clearly states that DOE and NRC are the key decision makers with respect
Perspectives on Zero-Energy Buildings: Viewpoints on Research, Policy, and Performance
Perspectives on Zero-Energy Buildings: Viewpoints on Research, Policy, and Performance November 29, 2016 In cooperation with KIER and the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI), GABI hosted an intimate gathering of experts and professionals from the policy, technical, and business communities to discuss issues with respect to zero-energy buildings, homes, and construction. Achieving net zero