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So far admin has created 396 blog entries.
21 09, 2018

GABI-FNS Capitol Hill Briefing on the Versatile Test Reactor (VTR).

By |2022-01-04T13:35:16-05:00September 21st, 2018|Categories: Congressional Briefing, Nuclear Energy|0 Comments

Currently, access to fast spectrum irradiation capabilities for general purposes is very limited; at present, Russia is the only country that possesses fast neutron testing capabilities. Thus, the development of a fast neutron testing facility is important for the U.S. to maintain its global nuclear technology leadership. In accordance with the Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities

14 09, 2018

The U.S.-Korea Civil Nuclear Partnership Implications for Energy, Geopolitics, and Nonproliferation

By |2018-09-18T10:51:19-04:00September 14th, 2018|Categories: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

The U.S.-South Korea civil nuclear relationship has evolved significantly over the decades--South Korea's civil nuclear program first developed under U.S. technological guidance and patronage, and the two countries' nuclear energy industries and establishments remain closely intertwined. What was once a relationship of tutelage has gradually transformed into a more equal partnership. Korea has established itself

24 08, 2018

Catalysts for Deployment of Advanced Nuclear: Innovative Technology Development Approaches

By |2018-08-24T12:03:55-04:00August 24th, 2018|Categories: Events, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

Advanced nuclear concepts currently in development have the potential for improved cost competitiveness, inherent safety, enhanced flexibility and deployability, more manageable waste streams, and increased proliferation resistance. Successful deployment of such technologies may dramatically alter the energy landscape of the future, and accelerating their development will be necessary so that they can meaningfully contribute to

31 07, 2018

Challenges and Opportunities for Community Solar Energy Models: Policy Implications Derived from the U.S. Experience

By |2018-07-31T13:35:37-04:00July 31st, 2018|Categories: Clean Energy Forum and Seminars, Events, New and Renewable Energy|0 Comments

Community solar is a rapidly emerging concept that enables broader access to solar energy. Although the concept itself potentially has many variations and forms in terms of organization, all community solar arrangements share certain characteristics: co-location with consumers, multiple end users, proportionality to local needs, etc. Although community solar is one means to allow more

21 06, 2018

GABI attends 4th Water Summit / Asia Montana Energy Summit in Whitefish, Montana

By |2018-06-21T17:45:36-04:00June 21st, 2018|Categories: News|0 Comments

On May 16-19, GABI attended Asia Montana Energy Summit in Whitefish, MT. This is an exclusive gathering of leaders from a diverse and interdisciplinary community to discuss current trends shaping the U.S. – Asia energy market and important policy developments as well as to talk about new ways for better international cooperation. The gathering represent not only the public policy community

18 06, 2018

Current Status of Spent Fuel Management in Sweden: Progress and Lessons Learned

By |2018-06-21T16:24:20-04:00June 18th, 2018|Categories: Events, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

Although solutions to the disposal and management of spent nuclear fuel have proven elusive for virtually all nuclear power countries, Sweden is among the most furthest along in solving this problem. Under Swedish law, license holders are responsible for ensuring the safe management and final disposal of radioactive materials and waste. Thus, Swedish utilities collectively

8 06, 2018

US-Korea Cooperation in New Nuclear Markets: Opportunities, Challenges, and Imperatives

By |2018-06-21T16:27:02-04:00June 8th, 2018|Categories: Events, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

Growing global energy demand and carbon mitigation challenges together drive increasing interest in nuclear power globally, even as the world continues to deal with the aftereffects of the Fukushima accident. With China’s potential to become a dominant civil nuclear vendor and significant difficulties for nuclear energy in U.S. power markets, the imperatives for international cooperation

16 05, 2018

Commercial Perspectives on Fuel Cycle Development in Saudi Arabia

By |2018-06-21T16:29:25-04:00May 16th, 2018|Categories: Events, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Workshops|0 Comments

The uranium fuel market is weak from commercial and technical issues ranging from a small supply chain, to an overabundance of supply met with too little demand. Prices have dropped low enough that conversion plants have begun to temporarily halt production to allow the prices to recover. The current state of the nuclear fuel market

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